Archive for March, 2007

QOTD for March 29th

Today’s quote comes from the epic 1989 film, Dead Poets’ Society:
“Seize the Day”

I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!
To put to rest all that was not life
And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.


I <3 My Friends

pretty flower

I just had a really encouraging talk with Sacha just now. I’ve been feeling rather unproductive this past week, and haven’t been able to get any work done. She gave me some really great and inspirational advice. I haven’t much time to go into the details of our conversation right now (as this right here is a distraction; but I just had to give her praise), but I’m happy we had a chance to speak (despite her hectic schedule). I’m not usually used to people being so nice to me. Thank you, Sacha 🙂